Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.0.00 or higher.
This product requires an additional device. For more information please contact us.
Field of Application+
Staff & Management Assessments
Job & Career Placement
Safety & Security Assessment
Academic Testing
Detailed Description+
Measures the various aspects of response inhibition.
The different test forms of INHIB implement four paradigms of response inhibition, enabling detailed assessments of this ability. The test uses a stop signal paradigm, a go/no-go paradigm, a cued go/no-go paradigm and a behavioral shift paradigm.
Response inhibition is a fundamental requirement for flexible and appropriate behavior and it is considered to be part of the executive functions. Impairments to this ability can be observed in many neurological and psychiatric disorders and have a considerable impact on the sufferer’s ability to engage in everyday activities. INHIB is therefore used in clinical neuropsychology. Response inhibition is distinguished from interference (Stroop test) by the fact that it requires the suppression of a motor response, while the Stroop test involves the control of cognitive interference.
Test forms+
S1/S2: Stop-signal parallel forms 1 & 2
S3/S4: Go/no-go parallel forms 1 & 2
S5/S6: Cued go/no-go parallel forms 1 & 2
S7/S8: Behavioral shift A (shift only) parallel forms 1 & 2
S9/S10: Behavioral shift B (shift and inhibition) parallel forms 1 & 2
S13/S14: Go/no-go short form 1 & 2
The respondent reacts to various stimuli, which vary according to test form. For example, the respondent may be asked to suppress a reaction he is making as soon as a cue is given (stop signal), or to react only to the presentation of a particular stimulus (go/no-go). Behavioral shift tasks require constant changes of behavior, depending on the stimulus that is presented. In the test forms involving a cued go/no-go condition the respondent must press a key whenever two particular stimuli occur in succession.
approx. 3–10 minutes, depending on test form.
Norms for ages 14+
Test administration+