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Field of Application+
Staff & Management Assessments
Job & Career Placement
Safety & Security Assessment
Academic Testing
Detailed Description+
The test set TATEENS – Talent Assessment Sport Teens 2 assesses performance-related dimensions relevant to the athletic gifts of young people.
The test set optimally takes into account the specific requirements associated with testing young people. Adolescents aged 11 to 14 can reasonably be expected to complete longer testing than children, for example. In compiling the test set, care was nevertheless taken to keep test duration short while still covering all relevant performance dimensions, so that the test set can be used as basic testing for adolescents in an athletic setting. The individual results are summarized in a FIT score, taking into account their respective importance in predicting athletic talent. The FIT score is an overall assessment of cognitive ability as relevant in sports, and thus an indicator of the degree of athletic talent.
On the basis of theoretical considerations and subsequent validation studies, the dimensions of ability to react, memory, reactive stress tolerance, focused attention and visual perception were identified as relevant to the prediction of talent. The test set is based on a test battery that for many years was used in the WoGoS project for basic ability assessment of young athletes. In the course of the 2015 validation process in various athletic associations (soccer, basketball, volleyball, American football and handball), an ideal range for performance was defined. In addition, the choice of tests was adapted and new specific norms were measured in young athletes. Whether the respondent matches this ideal range can be calculated and displayed and used to make inter-individual and intra-individual comparisons.
Test administration+
The TATEENS test set comprises the following dimensions and tests:
Dimensions | Tests | Test forms | Duration in min. |
Total length if all dimensions are presented | approx. 65 |
Stress tolerance, reactive | DT | S1 | approx. 6 |
Focused attention | SIGNAL | S3 | approx. 25 |
Logical reasoning | AMT | S4 | approx. 15 |
Ability to react | RT | S3 | approx. 6 |
Visual perception | LVT | S2 | approx. 13 |