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Premium report STAFF

Premium reports clearly summarise test results and supplement them by a cross-dimensional assessment (FIT value), a structured interview guideline. The Premium report STAFF is specially designed to meet the requirements of office and service jobs and is a comprehensive tool in the recruitment process or for personnel development. An overall report as well as a pure personality report are available.

The Premium report STAFF includes: :

  • Summary of results
  • Executive summary
  • Job profile
  • Position-independent skills
  • Detailed test results
  • Training options
  • Interview guidelines
  • Onboarding plan
  • Glossary & help
Here is a detailed overview of the Premium report STAFF+


The premium reports combine description and interpretation of the test results through comprehensive, target group-specific presentation. Test results from the cognitive ability tests INT or SMART and the personality questionnaires FCB5, BFSI or B5PS are presented graphically and explained in an understandable and application-related way.


Depending on requirements, an overall report, which includes both cognitive ability and personality variables, or a pure personality report can be created. Both versions are available for three different target groups and differ in terms of their specificity and the scope of the information provided.


The version for the HR department includes detailed and differentiated information, which is also provided with specific instructions in the form of an interview guidelines and an onboarding plan. The version for the candidate (chapters 1-6 & 9) provides a differentiated and comprehensible feedback of results in accordance with DIN 33430. Finally, a reduced version is also available for senior management (chapters 1, 2 & 9).


The following dimensions are included in the premium reports:

Cognitive ability tests (INT or SMART):

  • Logical reasoning
  • Numerical ability
  • Verbal ability

Personality questionnaires (FCB5, BFSI or B5PS):

  • Resilience
  • Extraversion
  • Flexibility (openness to experience)
  • Team orientation (agreeableness)
  • Conscientiousness



Components and structure of the Premium report STAFF at a glance+

1. Summary of results

  • The overall FIT score gives a summary of the aptitude testing for the candidate
  • Breakdown of the results for the areas in the job profile
  • Results for position-independent skills
  • Presentation of the test results in the ability and personality scores

2. Executive summary

  • Verbalization of the results overview in a summarized form

3. Job profile

  • Verbalization and contextualization of the results for the candidate in the areas of the relevant job profile
  • Analysis of opportunities and risks for the relevant requirements

4. Position-independent skills

  • detailed presentation of results to general work-related competencies
  • Analysis of opportunities and risks for the relevant requirements

5. Detailed test results

  • Detailed presentation of the test results through verbalization and contextualization of the results

6. Training options

  • Customized training recommendations based on the opportunities and risks analyses

7. Interview guidelines

  • Structured interview questions for further discussion with the candidate

8. Onboarding plan

  • Recommendations for planning the onboarding process in case the candidate is chosen

9. Glossary & help